Duo Rhosia formed in the autumn of 2020 when Matti Lindholm (viola) and Alina Sorjonen (piano) prepared two separate recital programmes for concerts. The musicians had previously performed together in various chamber music ensembles, which is where the idea of forming a duo was born.

Duo Rhosia first rehearsed the sonatas of Sostakovits, Brahms and Rachmaninov for their repertoire, as well as several smaller compositions to fulfill a concert programme with these musical pieces. Later, the repertoire has been gradually expanded, the most recent work being Schubert’s song cycle ”Winterreise” and Rebecca Clarke’s Viola Sonata.

The name Rhosia was formed by mixing around and sorting some letters from the player’s names. Rhosia is a word from Greek mythology that means rose and refers to symbolism representing beauty, passion and secrets or mystery. In the very complex deity mythology of ancient Greece classical era, one of the nine muses, Clio (the muse of history) and her lover Pierus had seven daughters, the youngest of whom was Ροδία (Rhodia/Rhosia).

Duo Rhosia’s passion is to bring beauty and aesthetic values to their listeners. No musical story is so dark that it doesn’t also contain hope, beauty and light. Duo Rhosia strives lightly and positively to bring their interpretation and visions to their audience.

Would you like us to perform? Feel free to contact us!

lindholm.musik@gmail.com or alina.sorjonen@gmail.com

+358-41-524-4062 /Matti Lindholm

+358-45-204-1145 /Alina Sorjonen

You can leave your contact details and message by clicking here

If you would like to support our activities with a donation, you can contact us or simply donate your desired amount via bank transfer using the following details

Tmi Lindholm Musik

IBAN account number: FI45 1347 3000 4123 73

Reference: 99 90124

Additional information: Support grant / Duo Rhosia