Duo Rhosia -Matti Lindholm

Matti Lindholm is a sought-after musician and violin/viola teacher. He has extensive experience in various chamber music ensembles, orchestras and ensembles and also works actively as a studio musician in various contexts. He has played and recorded with numerous famous Finish artists.

Lindholm graduated as a viola player from Stadia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki in 2004. His teachers have been Anna Kreetta Gribajcevic, Ulla Soinne and Sari Aalto. In addition, he has participated in several master classes with teachers as: Miguel da Silva (Ysaÿe Quartet), Antonello Farulli (Scuola Musica Fiesole), Géza Németh (Bartók Quartet), Teemu Kupiainen and Atso Lehto, and at chamber music courses led by Marko Ylönen, the Gryphon Trio and the Bartók Quartet.

In the spare time Matti loves to do physical exercises in almost every possible different way, at this point especially yoga is of great importance. It is also important to regularly come out in the woods and nature.

Would you like us to perform? Feel free to contact us!

lindholm.musik@gmail.com or alina.sorjonen@gmail.com

+358-41-524-4062 /Matti Lindholm

+358-45-204-1145 /Alina Sorjonen

If you would like to support our activities with a donation, you can contact us or simply donate your desired amount via bank transfer using the following details

Tmi Lindholm Musik

IBAN account number: FI45 1347 3000 4123 73

Reference: 99 90124

Additional information: Support grant / Duo Rhosia